With all the preparations set for the upcoming 2010 which is much awaited by everyone, I would love to wish all my friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and Happy 2010!!
Hope that all of you have set your goals and at the same time enjoy all the travelling and all the great shopping deals!
As for my side, my gf and I are intending to embark on a Bali/Phuket trip this eve of New Year!! Woooootss!! SO ENJOY your December coz this is YOUR DECEMBER!! Cheers to this exciting 2010 and hope you achieve your target and goals soon!
Ttyl ya!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!
S M Ziad =)
Tuesday on the goooo..
At hm right now, getting ready to go out soon. Going to Vivo soon!Woohoo!! Hahas!
Hmm.What I did before this? Well, I went to sch in the afternoon! Had lunch and then went for my usual 2.4km Run and then off to purchase batteries for my Nikon SLR and then off to CDANS Home Team and then back home which before that I had to do some greasing at my petrol tank cap. Kinda tired aft all the this and that! But still I have to be dynamic and ultimate to achieve success and become successful!! Catch you all later ya! :D
Ziad. ^o^
Hmm.What I did before this? Well, I went to sch in the afternoon! Had lunch and then went for my usual 2.4km Run and then off to purchase batteries for my Nikon SLR and then off to CDANS Home Team and then back home which before that I had to do some greasing at my petrol tank cap. Kinda tired aft all the this and that! But still I have to be dynamic and ultimate to achieve success and become successful!! Catch you all later ya! :D

Ziad. ^o^
TIme Flies Soo Fast!!

Hey My Dear Visitors,Viewers and GoogleFreaks!
Its been a very long time since I last blogged about my daily activities that have went through! Well! Nonetheless! Im starting out to continue to blog again!
Well, as I have mentioned previously, its the end of the year and starting on a new financial year and new year resolution! Rest assured, Peace, Happiness, Success & Prosperity to Everyone in celebrating the upcoming 2010!!
my 50th post! yeah! so far so gooooood!
hehs, yeah i noe! some mite say, 50th post only.. mine been 1000th post... well.. i noe.. bt cmon, give this man a break! wooots! :P
In this 50th post! I would love to thank all the bloggers and readers that have been visiting my site all this while and keep reading and visiting my blog as I really appreciate your concern to visit here! :D
Today is Tuesday, a number of tasks to do later.. one had been done just nw. it was to book a commercial van for this Sunday's Raya with the NYPians. yup. booked the commercial van(the one that looks like a car on the front and a van at the back) with DTL services located at BLK 25 Changi Ville. nt Blk 25 Teck Whye Lane ya.. Hahas. The rental is 70 bucks per weekend and a 100 bucks rental deposit. so if anyone of you who would like to book it, can drop a msg or comment here and i can pass you their number! or u can visit their website at www.dtlservices.com
Hmm, wonder what colour should i wear for this 8th and 11th.hmmm...
Another thing I would like to share is the cool iPhone Auto-tune! i watch the vid at youtube whereby T-Pain introduces the new app iPhone Auto-tune and it is so cool! can tune your voice to the desired voices like Kanye, Sean Kingston, T-Pain himself and more! Gotta grab the app for those IT geeks and music lovers! definitely worth it! see! this is what i do when i log in to youtube! lol!! :D
And one last thing which i missed out is the Razer Copperhead that i bought! yeah! it is definitely my craziest gadget! coz it is so damn sleek and smooth!like smooth criminal! y i say dat so? its because i got to play Blackshot so damn well with it due to its sensitivity plus using the Goliathus mouse mat! A killer for the gamers! Another gadget for u to grab in case u have ever thought of playing pc games and excel in it! Lucky I went to Comex to seize it! woohoooo! damn! i love IT stuffs! ;D
Till we meet again n discuss about the next issue or gossip like the Gossip Girls!
Gtg! Gonna have my lunch now!
S M Ziad
Fun & Enjoyable Raya Celebrations
Yup, it has been a very joyous celebrations for me visiting frm house to house.. eating in every one of them.. gosh! my stomach feels like as if wants to explode! last sat n sun was a tiring,sleepy, full and wonderful Raya celebration! travelling frm Pasir Ris all the way to Boon Lay. covering 12 houses and managed to join my OAC clan for the last house which is Seri's house at CCK. Had laughter and giggles throughout, may it be with my relatives or even with my frens! heheh! yeah! OAC clan was great too! especially the picture taking though it was a short while with them!
Turn Your Computer Into a Gushing Money Machine...!
last thursday,went to Bedok South Sec to paint the wall of their school hall. Was painting from 9plus am to 6pm whereby we had our lunch in the midst at simpang bedok. hahas, was a relax thing to do. we painted the drawings on the wall themed " Education". Feels honoured that I can actually contribute my charity by painting the wall which will be seen by thousands of students! woohoo! but too bad i cant continue to paint on the next day as I had to run some errands. Nevertheless, was a very fun but tiring thing! :D
So as fer nw, I am still left with Raya outings with my bros, Yusazrina's clan, NYP mates and NS mates. As for my family, i guess there's still alil more. hahas!
Will upload my photos soon ya! Nearing to the close of Hari Raya season! will doooo!! hee! :D
Taking care!
Ziad aka NeL
Sunny Sunday with my Beloved Relatives!
Hi once again to all my visitors here! Wishing u a Happy Festive Raya!
So much forgiveness with all the joy and smiles in celebrating this Happy Raya.
As for me, of course I did gt to enjoy it with my family, relatives but not yet frens.. Hee! coz they will be deciding it on mid october somewhere there i guess. gosh! gonna be so bz!
Bz till I cant blog too much as fer nw.. Will wrap it up next time we meet again ya! Gotta attend to my relatives here at my house!
Ziad :D
SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa AiDiLfItRi! MiNaL 'AiDiL WaLfA'iZiN!
A very warm and blissful Eid Mubarak for all the Muslims around the world no matter where you are. Right now its 7.24am in the morning and its the 2nd day of the Glorious,Much Anticipated & Festive Syawal after the Holy Month of Ramadhan! what a way to celebrate the glory of fasting for a month to know what it's like for the less fortunate and needy people from all over the world surviving their day to day with hunger, torture and starvation. May Allah have Mercy on them and bestow peace,love and prosperity. Amin.
Went to Geylang the nite before and saw Hana C..hahas.. she's with her gfs.. lol! Shouted my name from far.. was shocked that MJ also go geylang on the last nite of Ramadhan too! woots! Relax2 Hana, was kidding. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.. XD
The crowd was packed and everyone was busy with last minute shopping and struggling to get the best bargained price! Came back at 1plus in the morning to rest for the Aidilfitri prayers tmr.
First day of Raya, went to Al-Khair mosque early in the morns for the Aidilfitri prayers. As per normal, the crowd was huge! The entire Muslim community in CCK came to celebrate the early morning of Syawal with prosperous joy and dignity! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Headed back home after which gt myself a minor haircut frm sis. As u noe, my sis is an assistant hairstylist. Put on my lavender Baju Kurung and head to my aunt's house and a couple more houses for Raya! Hee! I still receive my green packets u know..hehes! a great Hari Raya, but without Dad was alil too silent for us. Poor Ummi(Mum), had to wait till tmr till Dad comes back from the Holy Land of Mekkah. We as the whole family really miss him very much! And hope that his journey back home will be a safe one.. Insya'Allah. May God protect him throughout.
And as soon as I reached home after Raya yesterday, I fell asleep once i laid down and try to watch TV with my teeny weeny sleepy eyes..lol!
woke up ard 6.15am this morning to find myself sleeping in the living room on the floor.hahas!
N now i trying to call Yusazrina Yunos aka YY Pang! LMAO! ROFL! to verify if she signed up for the NB Real Run already anot. gosh! and she's not picking up the call.. darn.. guess she bz dreaming of her bf gg Raya together.. aiyo,in dat case cant disturb her, no worries, she will definitely get back to me.. YY Pang!
hahas! so today's the 2nd day of Syawal and we hope you have a blissful and lovable day! once again! Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! Maaf Zahir & Batin!
Allahu Akbar!
S M Ziad :D
Hari Raya is Nearing!2 More Days of fasting! Yeah!
Hi Everyone! Hari Raya Puasa is approaching us with full of bless and grace! We will accept and welcome with open arms! Though rich or poor, though complete or incomplete, though alone or family and relatives, we will definitely embrace Syawal with open heart!
:D For Ziad(that's me in case you all have forgotten), im all set with the baju Kurung and all the kueh-kuehs and all the lovely decos and foods like mutton rendang, sambal goreng, serunding, lontong, ketupat, lepat, sambal chicken and lots more! Yum2! Makes me damn hungry nw.. sheesh! im fasting nw. Hee!
gonna do some hsewk and some touch-ups!
Eid Mubarak!
Ziad aka the Arabian Knight! ;D
:D For Ziad(that's me in case you all have forgotten), im all set with the baju Kurung and all the kueh-kuehs and all the lovely decos and foods like mutton rendang, sambal goreng, serunding, lontong, ketupat, lepat, sambal chicken and lots more! Yum2! Makes me damn hungry nw.. sheesh! im fasting nw. Hee!
gonna do some hsewk and some touch-ups!
Eid Mubarak!
Ziad aka the Arabian Knight! ;D
APEC class later at Temasek Poly
Yesterday's photoshoot was kinda cool! hahas! Met my friend Marjuk when I reached school. he was in the shoot too! yup, there was a couple of shots taken. First was the seating set. then was the server applications side.. hahas.. Was a point of time I had to stare at the lecturer's face and hold there for a couple of secs .LOL! the lecturer was male.. hahas. felt so gayish just nw! hee! if it was a female, would be so different! hee! Nonetheless! it was a great and cool experience to photoshoot for my NYP campus!
After which, i headed down to my office and was told that the AIA forms have been changed due to the new AIA logo formed! Gosh, then I just collected my stuffs in my drawer and proceeded to my workshop. Hahas, some new newsies abt the motorworld! hahas.
After which I proceeded hm for break fast! yup.was too thirsty after a hard days.
Then went to sleep frm 8 till 4am the next! And gonna head down to Temasek Poly for the ApEc Class. hahas! then to office again to get my documents again! gonna be shacked again! hee!
Have yet to try my Copperhead! darn! so many errands to run!
Will post again ya! TBC!
Ziad :)
Photoshoot soon!
Pernahkah kau merasa?!! Hatiku Hampa!
Hahas.. the song "Hampa Hatiku" by Ungu ft. Iis Dahlia. hahas.. yeah. its gonna be Raya this sunday! and wat a day to celebrate it!
Hari Raya Puasa falls on 20/09/2009! catch the similarities? hahas..
yeah, its 20092009! hehe, nice number for the Muslims celebrating Hari Raya this year!
As for me, ever since the last post was on saturday, I have been busy shopping here and there for Raya stuffs and lots more goodies too! hee! And not forgetting, bought my astounding, steed & valiant Razer Copperhead! wooooots!! hehes, comes with The Razer MouseMat too! yeah, stickers, and landyards plus tees too! hee! gave one to Yusazrina, who stubbornly doesnt want it.. bt i insisted! hahas! ;P
Comex was my first IT show that I went other than the smaller IT shows that i went to.. Gosh, God must have tested me, the crowd was astonishing and it was like walking through thick and robust green! walked like a sloth coz everyone was walking with twirled eyes, looking at the products all over there, with great discounts, free here and there! gosh, Yusazrina must have feel honoured yo to bring me to Comex as I have never experience that kinda electrically and electronically adrenalined! hahas... Yusazrina bought the Fujitsu L1010 for her new lappy, correct me if im wrong, the latest model that they showcased! hahas, she insisted on some trials on the sample before buying it..hehes, typical Yusazrina, well... nonetheless, it was fun! and wen comes to payment for the Lappy, i was confused why they have to burden the customers to bring the heavy Lexmark printer to the showcase side for exchange for the MS Office Home edition.. gosh!.. was damn exhausted to walk as slow as a snail too u know.hahas.. And Yusazrina! Tell me soon abt ur new gadgy ya! hahas! She's gonna love it for sure.. :D
As for my Copperhead! i have not touch it yet as u noe the reason rite.. hahas! soon i will! very very soon! ahha!
Yesterday was a dreadful day too coz i have to drive around my family to shop to Orchard, then to Geylang for break fast and shopping too.. Then proceed on to Bedok Central as well. Before these, went on to my hm back to put the kuih-kuih at hm and proceed on to Jurong West to give Adeq Aila, Mama's thingys.. Only then proceeded on to Orchard's Ngee Ann City and Ion. Was a relaxed environment yesterday noon as peeps were working while we were shopping! hahas! till went on to Geylang and wanted to break fast at Arnold's, there was a crowd over there.. goodness gracious, had to wait till ard 8.10pm, only then we got to eat.. Some of those were inconsiderate as they were still sitting though they have finished eating as for sure, those waiting outside will surely gossip abt them.. Sigh.. Elfi called yesterday to ask me out to chill but i couldnt.hahas, was v v tired after the shopping spree! hee! :D
well, as fer nw, im gg to NYP at 1.45pm for my photoshoot, then to Alexandra to my motor workshop and my office. So excited for the photoshoot! hehe!
Number #1 Selling Counter-Strike Cs Source Guide On The Net!
Take care wherever you are and Ziad wish you a very peaceful and relaxed Tuesday!
Ziad S M
Sakura Saturday!
Going to my clubmates' buffet cuisines invitation at Sakura International Buffet later for break-fast. Yup, the one at Clementi Woods.Near Di-Tentera Mosque and Kent Ridge. Yesterday was definitely tiring as I came back near to 12am after shopping at Geylang Serai for Raya! The place was jam packed with shoppers and of course some non-shoppers! hahas.. Combed the area from the end till the other end.. yup, arrived there at 6.50pm and break fast there at Hazwani Food Junction at Malay Village. Luckily there was places to eat despite having alot of the Muslims to breakfast.. Shopped alil here and there!
So today eat with my OAC ITE DOVER clubmates.. yup.. hahas.. Eat at Sakura later. gosh, makes me feel hungry.hahas, another 6 more hours to break fast!
Selamat Berpuasa & Berbuka too!
Ziad S M ;P
So today eat with my OAC ITE DOVER clubmates.. yup.. hahas.. Eat at Sakura later. gosh, makes me feel hungry.hahas, another 6 more hours to break fast!
Selamat Berpuasa & Berbuka too!
Ziad S M ;P
Thursday Afternoon! Running some ErRAndS..
Its Thursday Afternoon,10th Sept 09. before which was 9th Sept 09, 9/9/09 or 999. nice num yesterday.. bt yup, didnt do much yesterday as to rest at hm, n clean up alil bit of here n there for Raya.
As today, im gg to the mosque later at 3pm to contribute zakat fitrah and then to motorcycle workshop with Elfi. Yup, Faeez asked me to buy gloves for him. Have to check it out at the auntie's workshop i guess.. Feels kinda sleepy, had alotta late nights recently, gosh... this has to end soon.. if nt it could get matters worse! Miss Dad already. I hope he will be fine over there. Insya'Allah..
by the way, Really enjoyed the tuesday night Break Fast Outing at Hajah Maimunah & Al-Sufi with Elfi,Yusazrina,Nurhana & Emma! Hahas, but the Hajah Maimunah Restaurant food wasnt that satisfying. Nevertheless, we had fun n joy together! Happy Fasting!
Peace & Love.
There u go again Google.. My interface! Argghhh!!
Hahs! im back! aft buka and settled some break-fast stuffs.. ate kurma(dates),rice wit sambal chicken and some mutton patties..
Before dat i was aslp for the whole 4 hrs.. hahas, coz was kinda tired with after sending my dad to the airport and went to JB wit Rahman,my cuzz. went there coz he need to buy tix to Klang and then cut his hair and we went to walk ard Larkin to see ard... well, was tempted to eat though,hahas, coz the cakes and kuehs are all ard..then u have the Dunkin Donuts and Macs too! hahas!
Sending Dad to the airport for Umrah. Yup, he gonna be away till 2nd day of Raya. Yup, May Allah Bless Him with the Safety & Care. Insya'allah!So my dad went with his elder sister to Umrah.. Good time to go when its in the fasting mth!
Jangan Sedih Pagi Ini Tak Dapat Kita Bersama, meraikan Aidilfitri yg mulia..
Yup, adapted frm Sudirman's Hari Raya Song.
So yesterday was RunSingapore with Yuz! hahas, 4.5km around the F1 circuit was really2 new to me. Yup, Ran non-stop, jog a couple of times too. We ran together and we completed it ard 35 mins.. hahas.. no worries.. Hey, we were fasting throughout ok! Shame on u for laughing on us.. There were water points in the midst of the run as usual ya.. Hahas, temptation again ya. Aft the run, we walked all the way to peninsular side to find a place for buka.. and the sakura n magic wok which was introduced by Yuz is full! Last minute travel for a place, here and there! LOL!
so we decided to eat at PastaMania,had cheesy chicken salsiccia and passionfruit soda..
bt wat pissed me off was there was a tiny bug inside.. nt sure wat was it bt it was definitely a bug.. Yuz took it out for me.. hahas, grossly bug!
Then we procceded to challenger to check out some techie stuffs, my Razer DeathAdder for 89 bucks and Yuz wants to get a new lappy, even nw she asking me where she can sell her IBM and how much they were able to give..I said 10 cents maybe.LMAO!!
So yup. after which we proceeded home after getting my dad's sandals which was quite funny on how we tested the sandals...shhhh!!
Took 190 home and we reached safe and sound...with tiring legs and stiffness of course..but it was enjoyable! Cool!! ;)
Gonna Miss Dad so much!
S M Ziad
Before dat i was aslp for the whole 4 hrs.. hahas, coz was kinda tired with after sending my dad to the airport and went to JB wit Rahman,my cuzz. went there coz he need to buy tix to Klang and then cut his hair and we went to walk ard Larkin to see ard... well, was tempted to eat though,hahas, coz the cakes and kuehs are all ard..then u have the Dunkin Donuts and Macs too! hahas!
Sending Dad to the airport for Umrah. Yup, he gonna be away till 2nd day of Raya. Yup, May Allah Bless Him with the Safety & Care. Insya'allah!So my dad went with his elder sister to Umrah.. Good time to go when its in the fasting mth!
Jangan Sedih Pagi Ini Tak Dapat Kita Bersama, meraikan Aidilfitri yg mulia..
Yup, adapted frm Sudirman's Hari Raya Song.
So yesterday was RunSingapore with Yuz! hahas, 4.5km around the F1 circuit was really2 new to me. Yup, Ran non-stop, jog a couple of times too. We ran together and we completed it ard 35 mins.. hahas.. no worries.. Hey, we were fasting throughout ok! Shame on u for laughing on us.. There were water points in the midst of the run as usual ya.. Hahas, temptation again ya. Aft the run, we walked all the way to peninsular side to find a place for buka.. and the sakura n magic wok which was introduced by Yuz is full! Last minute travel for a place, here and there! LOL!
so we decided to eat at PastaMania,had cheesy chicken salsiccia and passionfruit soda..
bt wat pissed me off was there was a tiny bug inside.. nt sure wat was it bt it was definitely a bug.. Yuz took it out for me.. hahas, grossly bug!
Then we procceded to challenger to check out some techie stuffs, my Razer DeathAdder for 89 bucks and Yuz wants to get a new lappy, even nw she asking me where she can sell her IBM and how much they were able to give..I said 10 cents maybe.LMAO!!
So yup. after which we proceeded home after getting my dad's sandals which was quite funny on how we tested the sandals...shhhh!!
Took 190 home and we reached safe and sound...with tiring legs and stiffness of course..but it was enjoyable! Cool!! ;)
Gonna Miss Dad so much!
S M Ziad
FICO with the Cashews and Polars.. ROFL!!
Yeah, Fico was fun,kicked the balls here n there! hahs, managed to score 1 for one of the games,Way to go Ziad..LOL! after so long of kickless days.. ok2.. enough before i get kicked.. hahas, talking abt kicks, reminds of me the Blackshot game i played in the noon.. they kicked me from the game just because im the host and i lagged the gameplay..and i managed to top the scores and kills! wth!! sorelosers sia! really fed up just nw.. i created the gallery and this is what i got.. damn sore losers! boooo!! puik!! wait till i get my Razer mouse and then im unbeatable! yeah! yes i am!!
And nw im bloggin on sun morning, after FICo, which i have to wake up at 12pm later to be ready for the RunSingapore later.. yup, i am fasting.. no worries.. a soldier is always a soldier.. will run n attack though im fasting! hahas!
Yup, RunSingapore, the first ever event to experience running through the F1 circuit!
Yeah, and coming soon to tell u, Im gonna be a model for NYP campus. Yup2! hahas.. noting to boast abt actually.. bt sumtin cool to experience.. hahas, still rem my Telcom lecturer, Ms Tan called me in the morns!
As fer nw. im listening to (Peterpan - Ku Katakan Dengan Indah).. nt the PP from the Never Neverland ar.. this is Ariel Peterpan im talking abt. so yup, this monday, gg to send my beloved Dad to the airport. yup, gonna miss my one & only hero! hahas, who says i dun have heroes? even guys have more heroes then girls.. hahas.. but true enough ok! hahas..
well, during the break in between the Fico games, i had a chance to conversate with Nahar, yeah, well, u noe.. abt the wking life he experiencing nw.. abt getting a degree as a dip is nt enuf though.. Nahar's in UniSim nw undergg Bachelors' Degree with Direct Honours for the 2.5 years, all the best and endeavours for u bro! study smart and work hard too! Yeah, he scored a couple of goals too just nw with his powerful longshots! great teammate to have! Guardsman u noe... Fighting fit soldier.. we talked abt the difference of getting the diploma & degree. The experience of him wking with most degree holders. and earning big salaries with the degrees. Who has PhD,Masters, Honours & Bachelors.. yup2.. we talked something fruitful that can guarantee our future's safe and secure.
Yup, and suddenly, i had him in mind for the upcoming plan and future critical views. Yup, definitely a worthy partner to have for business and finance issues too!
As fer nw, it's left for another 2 more hours for thesahur(pre-dawn meal). gonna have Ramly's burger later for sahur as Ummi bought fer me frm Geylang Serai. Yup, family went there with Ami Ayed's family too! i cant go coz i got FICO just nw. yeah.
To the Music Lovers! Music Master Pro - Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano And Violin Video Lessons. !
Superior Song Writing for the whole!
Superior Song Writing for the whole!
Best wishes and Happy Fasting!
Syed Md Ziad
Friday Nite w/o the TGIF! (Doa Buka Puasa)
Y i said it was w/o TGIF. hahas, bcoz today I am as free as a bird and get to sleep for most of the time.woke up at ard 5.45pm,washed up and Blackshot for awhile till break-fast.im turning pro in this game soon..hmmm, think i should take up gaming soon i guess..hahas.. Came the Azan,and have to recite the do'a (prayers) for breaking fast
And the do'a (prayers) for breaking fast is
"Allahumma laka shumtu wa bika amantu wa 'alaa rizqika afthartu birahmatika ya arhamarrohimin."
then followed by the do'a for eating. Yup, hope this will be useful to the Muslims and to those who wish to convert to Muslims as well.
Yup, after which i ate quite much there.. yup.. replenish with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.
So today im gonna be a gd boy and stay at hm.. LOL! let's see first lah.. coz Aniq just msg me moments ago to go 2nd link with Aiman and him. well, nt so sure abt it..
Now im listening to Indonesian songs like Pasha Ungu feat. Rossa, Wali band, D'Masiv etc. Yup all these songs have great and passionate lyrics and meanings to add up to my life.
Enough said. will see u ard again on Sunday, coz tmr i be v bz with soccer aft break fast. and gg gym before that too! yup!
To the music lovers! hope you like this!
Music Master Pro - Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano And Violin Video Lessons. !
Superior Song Writing!
Sleep soundly tonite!
And the do'a (prayers) for breaking fast is
"Allahumma laka shumtu wa bika amantu wa 'alaa rizqika afthartu birahmatika ya arhamarrohimin."
then followed by the do'a for eating. Yup, hope this will be useful to the Muslims and to those who wish to convert to Muslims as well.
Yup, after which i ate quite much there.. yup.. replenish with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.
So today im gonna be a gd boy and stay at hm.. LOL! let's see first lah.. coz Aniq just msg me moments ago to go 2nd link with Aiman and him. well, nt so sure abt it..
Now im listening to Indonesian songs like Pasha Ungu feat. Rossa, Wali band, D'Masiv etc. Yup all these songs have great and passionate lyrics and meanings to add up to my life.
Enough said. will see u ard again on Sunday, coz tmr i be v bz with soccer aft break fast. and gg gym before that too! yup!
To the music lovers! hope you like this!
Music Master Pro - Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano And Violin Video Lessons. !
Superior Song Writing!
Sleep soundly tonite!
Hello Everyone! It's been weeks!
Hi to everyone! its been weeks since I last blogged here. and gosh the interface here is still the same.. i cant even input images and videos up in here, and yeah.. its still the plain white backgrd with missing icons and colours!
Gosh! anyone care to help me wit this?
So exams are over and holidays are on. That's y i was MIA for the sickening and stressing exam period!
Now,we have the Ramadhan month on the go with Raya coming and so many things have to be done in so little time. yup.. two plus more weeks and we will be celebrating Hari Raya again! yup! cant wait for Hari Raya. so excited about it. with all the Baju Kurung and the Baju Kebaye and songket. Well, to tell u something, Im listening to M. Nasir's Salam Dunia song nw.. well, dad's fren..M.Nasir! hehehe.. see.. just the 2nd week of fasting and im in the mood oredy..LOL!
Yup, bt much have to be done.. fixing the flashing and glittering lights, painting the living room, shopping here and there (esp foods! and carpetry) and much more! Yup, dad is gg Umrah this monday and will be back on the 2nd or 3rd of Rayer.. Gonna miss dad very much! May Allah give all his blessings for Abah! :D
Yup,as for now im fasting for another 2hrs plus to buka and yeah! To all of you, Happy Fasting and Have a Sumptuous meal for buka later ya!
Salam Ramadhan!
Ziad ;)
Bluesy Mondays..Time to say GdBye...(just for awhile..)
Yeps, today, I am fasting, it's like additional fasting, u know.. yeah.. nt the training kind though ya..
so erm.. i actually woke up quite late though, coz yesterday went out to mus ctr with elfi and zaid to grab some stuffs and then to cuppage to lan gaming for 3hrs straight..
Damn the blood harvest thingy! it was like when we just played kinda thing, damn hard to tackle the level, bt nevertheless, was cool to have found out the new spot at the barn! i mean the red house. and again, we didnt managed to complete it which is the sad thing, nonetheless I still prefer the cuppage lan gaming rather than the stupid bt timah which is always disconnected and wen me, elfi and zaid played L4D there, we ended up with paying 1.5 hrsX$2 for nothing as we ended playing CS wich is out of the story, we headed strait hm as Elfi had to go for AHM at 6am yesterday.so guys, if u wana play lan gaming, be sure to go to the cuppage one yah as they have even better graphics and even razer mouse over there!Unlike the bt timah's i.r.c., which is very useless..having many staff who sits ard doin nutin and the connection sucks... won't say much about it.damn frustrated!
And now, im having exams in a week's time.. gonna be in MIA mode till 31st august... Yups, gonna miss blogging and you guys definitely!
Feel free to advertise in my blog too! and there are many links that you would be interested with. Ads By Google will definitely help you along the way so explore them!
So have a nice late august and keep smiling and rest assured I will be back with many more stories to tell!
Do drop your comments and visit tags in the tag&chat box so I know that you have been visiting or if you prefer anonymously,would be fine of course! And yup, wish me all the best of luck for my exams..
Rest assured I will do my best!
Gonna be away mode nw!
Music Master Pro - Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano And Violin Video Lessons. !
Superior Song Writing!
To your success!
Syed M Ziad :D
so erm.. i actually woke up quite late though, coz yesterday went out to mus ctr with elfi and zaid to grab some stuffs and then to cuppage to lan gaming for 3hrs straight..
Damn the blood harvest thingy! it was like when we just played kinda thing, damn hard to tackle the level, bt nevertheless, was cool to have found out the new spot at the barn! i mean the red house. and again, we didnt managed to complete it which is the sad thing, nonetheless I still prefer the cuppage lan gaming rather than the stupid bt timah which is always disconnected and wen me, elfi and zaid played L4D there, we ended up with paying 1.5 hrsX$2 for nothing as we ended playing CS wich is out of the story, we headed strait hm as Elfi had to go for AHM at 6am yesterday.so guys, if u wana play lan gaming, be sure to go to the cuppage one yah as they have even better graphics and even razer mouse over there!Unlike the bt timah's i.r.c., which is very useless..having many staff who sits ard doin nutin and the connection sucks... won't say much about it.damn frustrated!
And now, im having exams in a week's time.. gonna be in MIA mode till 31st august... Yups, gonna miss blogging and you guys definitely!
Feel free to advertise in my blog too! and there are many links that you would be interested with. Ads By Google will definitely help you along the way so explore them!
So have a nice late august and keep smiling and rest assured I will be back with many more stories to tell!
Do drop your comments and visit tags in the tag&chat box so I know that you have been visiting or if you prefer anonymously,would be fine of course! And yup, wish me all the best of luck for my exams..
Rest assured I will do my best!
Gonna be away mode nw!
Music Master Pro - Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano And Violin Video Lessons. !
Superior Song Writing!
To your success!
Syed M Ziad :D
Saturday With A little of here and there..!
Its Saturday with lots of stuffs to do. well, for at least yesterday played lan gaming with elfi n zaid. Was a cool 2.5 hrs (2.5hrs X $2) of intense gaming and pleasure.. yeah... was truly on the verge of getting to complete that Advanced mode of Blood Harvest. Yeah. and all the world's a stage and we are merely the players..
Mom and sis cooked spaghetti yesterday! my fave! yum2! it was a great deal to eat sumptuously.. The past two days was alil relaxed, I stayed home the whole thursday! and yeah! it was a Friday so i took lots of opportunities to do what's best and not have been done yet..
So upcoming is the EXAMS!! POWERBAND COMPETITION AND APEC SUMMIT!! HOW Cool Rite! And yeah fasting month is so nearing i cant wait to be celebrating Hari Raya( The Day of Joy & Celebration!) yup in the month of September..
Bought my Raya clothes oredy..have you bought too? And would really love to celebrate it with my Chinese and Indian friends too. Would like to share the meaningful Hari Raya with them and take lotsa photos with them! Ummi(Mum) and Abah(Dad) would definitely agree and delighted to accomodate their presence during Hari Raya!
A thing to share!Definitely, i am so happy to receive Google Adsense email yesterday accepting me in it! how cool again! we'll hope that you can to create an online marketing business with Adsense, Bidvertisers, Clickbank,Russell Brunson, and lots more!
Another thing to all the Music Lovers!
Are you looking for music instruction and definitely to learn the instruments that you have always desired?
Welcome to MusicMasterPro.com, the biggest music school on the net! To get started right away, Please select from the site, which course you would like to take!
Music Master Pro - Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano And Violin Video Lessons. !
With all the great deals I have in all my sites below! Check them out!
To the Glorious Ones!
A tiring but fun Tuesday!
Its Wednesday morning at 1.51 am and gosh , i just came back frm bt timah lan gaming with zaid and elfi. was definitely a fun time and thrill killing those zombies and ghosts! hahas. had dinner before dat at Al-Azhar. had nasi goreng ayam there and elephant tea,hehe!
Had my baby spick and span at Kaki Bukit Unique Motorsports just nw.. hahas.. well, was kinda long for them to maintaine the engine ice, radiator flush and the spark plugs! yup, i didnt noe they have moved from paya lebar to kaki bukit though. well. wat to do... haiya..still have to go for the best servicing which cost $160 in total! yup, ex rite? well, wat-to-do... still have to do it lor.. ok, before i went to wkshp, had my sch hours from 10-5pm..hahs, was very d sleepy,nonetheless, had to widen my eyes to study for the exams.. Had the last presentation for memo writing in Comm Skills class though, Gonna miss ya, Miss Baker!(my CS lecturer!)
met some of my A4 mates to catch up some of the time.. they're having fyp though, gonna miss them till the exams coming up...yup counting down to 13 more days.. yup2... have to be a good boy and study/revise! yeah!
Number #1 Selling Counter-Strike Cs Source Guide On The Net!
Turn Your Computer Into a Gushing Money Machine...!
Ok. Time to doze off, we'll c those posts coming! oh btw, have to rush dwn to Farrer Park to referee a soccer match! Yup! If you guys need a referee for a soccer match! by all means do drop me a msg at my blog! will get back asap ya!
Dreams to fulfill!
S M Ziad
Had my baby spick and span at Kaki Bukit Unique Motorsports just nw.. hahas.. well, was kinda long for them to maintaine the engine ice, radiator flush and the spark plugs! yup, i didnt noe they have moved from paya lebar to kaki bukit though. well. wat to do... haiya..still have to go for the best servicing which cost $160 in total! yup, ex rite? well, wat-to-do... still have to do it lor.. ok, before i went to wkshp, had my sch hours from 10-5pm..hahs, was very d sleepy,nonetheless, had to widen my eyes to study for the exams.. Had the last presentation for memo writing in Comm Skills class though, Gonna miss ya, Miss Baker!(my CS lecturer!)
met some of my A4 mates to catch up some of the time.. they're having fyp though, gonna miss them till the exams coming up...yup counting down to 13 more days.. yup2... have to be a good boy and study/revise! yeah!
Number #1 Selling Counter-Strike Cs Source Guide On The Net!
Turn Your Computer Into a Gushing Money Machine...!
Ok. Time to doze off, we'll c those posts coming! oh btw, have to rush dwn to Farrer Park to referee a soccer match! Yup! If you guys need a referee for a soccer match! by all means do drop me a msg at my blog! will get back asap ya!
Dreams to fulfill!
S M Ziad
Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!
Yeah! gotta enjoy the moments and relive the moments back last year which i also did went to the NDP 08 and it was truly a fascinating experience! woohoo!! wore Man U's jersey with pride and honour! Yeah! Its ok if the lose the community shield. Nonetheless, Man U will gain the treble again!
This year I gotta spend my 9th August again to celebrate Singapore's birthday with millions of people! Yup! Definitely enjoyed it so much with all the performances, parade and fireworks of course! Definitely a heartening experience as one rarely gets to enjoy this moments on 9th August.
9/8/08, 9/8/09 & maybe 9/8/10?
wow! really was a fascinating experience we had yesterday!
To Singapore's Dreams!
S M Ziad
This year I gotta spend my 9th August again to celebrate Singapore's birthday with millions of people! Yup! Definitely enjoyed it so much with all the performances, parade and fireworks of course! Definitely a heartening experience as one rarely gets to enjoy this moments on 9th August.
9/8/08, 9/8/09 & maybe 9/8/10?
wow! really was a fascinating experience we had yesterday!
To Singapore's Dreams!
S M Ziad
TGIF....!!! TGIF Morning I mean..Dots...!
Omg! its 4.25 AM and i just came back nt quite awile ago. YEah, went to Al-Azhar and L4Ding at BT with fen, after which we head on to car wash at cck Mobil. then headed straight hm. and opened up my blog to receive comments on my chatbox frm yuz and hana,it's abt the "her" in my post previously, well, the her is.................................(fill in the blanks to receive a Monopoly cheque from SpreeFreeBank).
was quite a bz thursday, went to sch, collected my shoot-o cert of participation frm Marcus and he accompanied me to blk n(thanks marc!),and I headed office rite aft dat to submit cases,after which I wanted to service my bike but the workshop was about to close at 7pm. business has been quite bad for them so I have to come into the pic! LOL! nonetheless, will go today or maybe next monday.
yeah.a couple of hundreds for the servicing and my baby's spick and span and ready to go!
oh well!Exams and APEC interview and training is coming. Btw, i will be performing in a rock band competition at YT CC somewhere this september.. yeah... hope its after Raya. ive bought my Baju Kurung( Malay Raya Clothes), have all of you bought too? well, its nt I literally bought it but yeah, it was bought frm JB.. hahas! special order, BURGER RAMLY! Yum2! ok, dun make me hungry fer nw.
COmpetition heats up as we've approached the 2nd half of the year. so need to focus more on MY STUDIES,CAREER AND FAMILY!! Yeah, TGIF! and the plan for friday will be sch, wkshp(opt), home,haircut(opt) and arab st& mustafa ctr. yeah..
yeah u might think im stressing up, bt oh well, ive enjoyed alot way too much if you all wanna noe. so its time to take control and abstain from the unneccesities!
To Our Success !
S M Ziad aka NeL
Thursday Afternoon!
Came back rather late yesterday. was chilling at town with ice cream, caramel frap and rasp choc diva cake or rasp diva choc cake. whatever it is! it was damn damn delicious. so, yeah, i woke up ard 1pm. received a couple of msgs bt nt frm her.
some of the msgs were, Elfi asked me along for GI Joe, Marcus asked me along to celebrate Mengguo's birthday.
I woke up late man, apologies to A4. nonetheless, wish Mengguo(Manggo) a very Happy Birthday withs lots of bro hugs in it! yeah! (im nt gay Ya).
so as for now, im heading to sch for maths lecture, then to my office, then to bike shop maybe, then to movies maybe, yeah.. well, sch starts at 1pm tmr, by the way.
And yeah, to recap on tues nite, well, i came to fen's house for Xbox360 session on FIFA09 of course, hahs!
Well, kinda cool. managed to score a couple of scores, bt damn, still lose. Then came along Elfi who thought i was at hm and asked me to come over fen's house which i already did. so we played FIFA09 till 1am then proceeded to BT to L4Ding for 2hours. and yeah, after which we had our bfast with our eyes close at macs.
Kinda sleepy I guess. and yeah.. nonetheless. it was damn fun..
Aits, to many damn words inside here. gotta self-reflect and head off to sch nw..
Btw, my blog post is down again. shish!
Good Day!
some of the msgs were, Elfi asked me along for GI Joe, Marcus asked me along to celebrate Mengguo's birthday.
I woke up late man, apologies to A4. nonetheless, wish Mengguo(Manggo) a very Happy Birthday withs lots of bro hugs in it! yeah! (im nt gay Ya).
so as for now, im heading to sch for maths lecture, then to my office, then to bike shop maybe, then to movies maybe, yeah.. well, sch starts at 1pm tmr, by the way.
And yeah, to recap on tues nite, well, i came to fen's house for Xbox360 session on FIFA09 of course, hahs!
Well, kinda cool. managed to score a couple of scores, bt damn, still lose. Then came along Elfi who thought i was at hm and asked me to come over fen's house which i already did. so we played FIFA09 till 1am then proceeded to BT to L4Ding for 2hours. and yeah, after which we had our bfast with our eyes close at macs.
Kinda sleepy I guess. and yeah.. nonetheless. it was damn fun..
Aits, to many damn words inside here. gotta self-reflect and head off to sch nw..
Btw, my blog post is down again. shish!
Good Day!
An early tuesday!
Yeah! early tuesday! went sch yday afternoon! went to office awhile, then went shopping at vivo. i shopped at vivo for tops at topman and fox and at the same time i found out that my hp was flat! i mean the batt was flat! damn! nvm, and the best thing is! my client wanted me to meet him asap that day and I cant even call to talk to him! arghhh! this is what happens when u dun recharge.
nvm, and yeah! did a couple of chores at hm.. nonetheless, gonna slp soon! u guys take care and have a pleasant tuesday!
And 1 more thing! I gotta tix to NDP 09! cool huh! ok2 here it goes! BARIS......! SEDIIIIIIIAA!!!
Yup, gonna dream to be a commander!
Happy Birthday Singapore!
nvm, and yeah! did a couple of chores at hm.. nonetheless, gonna slp soon! u guys take care and have a pleasant tuesday!
And 1 more thing! I gotta tix to NDP 09! cool huh! ok2 here it goes! BARIS......! SEDIIIIIIIAA!!!
Yup, gonna dream to be a commander!
Happy Birthday Singapore!
Yeah! Google has been kind today! hope so!
ok2, yeah! im listening to Lollipop by Lil Wayne and T-pain! while surfin the FB,tagged, my IM, and youtube of course!nt forgetting msn. Yeah! well, its kinda bored on a sunday nite, well, what to do.. I gotta be a good boy for this whole week as it is the last week of instruction for the sem! and yeah here im posting again. Well, yesterday went to lan gaming at bt timah with zaid and elf. the guy who blew the bubble again, mr fendi. yeah! its him! called him umpteen times and even elfo was having his meal at macs wile waiting for him..really fed up. suprisingly today he didnt call me or msg me askin if there were any plans today, hahs! maybe tmr i guess.. lets hope not so..before he had a car, he was very early all the time. even to take a cab though.
Yeah, play L4D wit the bros, as usual, the comp sucks big time.. really2 really2 big time! and the staff there can be disposed too as well as the comps there.Arggghh! well, 2.5 hrs of gaming, zaid had to leave early as he needs to go jb sunday morning, and elfi accompanied me breakfast at the macs. and we headed hm after that.
So after headed home. i play Blackshot with the rest and slept at around 6.15. woke up ard 9.15 and bathe to get ready for my uncle's wedding at jurong. Yeah! 3hours of sleep, my eyes was damn sleepy.. nonetheless, managed through the whole process. and yeah , after which i headed home to zzzzz...
So what do you think iM doing rite nw?Gonna slp fer nw..zzzzzzz
Enough said..
ok2, yeah! im listening to Lollipop by Lil Wayne and T-pain! while surfin the FB,tagged, my IM, and youtube of course!nt forgetting msn. Yeah! well, its kinda bored on a sunday nite, well, what to do.. I gotta be a good boy for this whole week as it is the last week of instruction for the sem! and yeah here im posting again. Well, yesterday went to lan gaming at bt timah with zaid and elf. the guy who blew the bubble again, mr fendi. yeah! its him! called him umpteen times and even elfo was having his meal at macs wile waiting for him..really fed up. suprisingly today he didnt call me or msg me askin if there were any plans today, hahs! maybe tmr i guess.. lets hope not so..before he had a car, he was very early all the time. even to take a cab though.
Yeah, play L4D wit the bros, as usual, the comp sucks big time.. really2 really2 big time! and the staff there can be disposed too as well as the comps there.Arggghh! well, 2.5 hrs of gaming, zaid had to leave early as he needs to go jb sunday morning, and elfi accompanied me breakfast at the macs. and we headed hm after that.
So after headed home. i play Blackshot with the rest and slept at around 6.15. woke up ard 9.15 and bathe to get ready for my uncle's wedding at jurong. Yeah! 3hours of sleep, my eyes was damn sleepy.. nonetheless, managed through the whole process. and yeah , after which i headed home to zzzzz...
So what do you think iM doing rite nw?Gonna slp fer nw..zzzzzzz
Enough said..
Saturday Nite Chill
As per normal, Im here to post.. hehe. yeah! came back at 5.30 am yesterday! well,was kinda chill yesterday. Zaid and fen came dwn to twl with their 4wheelers and then we headed to bt timah for L4D. and yeah, it was definitely a fun and gila(crazy one!) and yeah it was hell of 2hrs of shooting zombies in the advanced mode!
Soon, we went to Al-Azhar for supper and we headed to cq to chill ard, look at the crazy and stupid fellas over there. Some of the chix caught us by attention too. was a hell of a friday nite. Well, what to do, what else there is in S'pore other than clubs. SHish!
After that, which we headed home sleepy, as per normal.. and yeah I woke up ard 2+ and get on the show with my daily routine. a cup of coffee to soothe the day of course! alil bit here and there. play Blackshot online.
Now my family is in a bz mode as to prepare the gifts for wedding tomorrow at TahChing Road! yeah! definitely they will be sleeping late!
Who's wedding is it yeah, my dear uncle is getting married tomorrow;aint my wedding of course, and we will be heading to his wedding at 10.30 am for the solemnization and then the sandingan. after which I have to head down to yck stadium for the yiolympics and another appt with a client.. yeah! definitely will be a bz sunday!
Here's a few links that I hope will be benificial for all of you!
As for now,im gonna help out in the chores and would head out soon to party! hehe.. bz bz still party, ishk! Ziad ziad...
With love!
Soon, we went to Al-Azhar for supper and we headed to cq to chill ard, look at the crazy and stupid fellas over there. Some of the chix caught us by attention too. was a hell of a friday nite. Well, what to do, what else there is in S'pore other than clubs. SHish!
After that, which we headed home sleepy, as per normal.. and yeah I woke up ard 2+ and get on the show with my daily routine. a cup of coffee to soothe the day of course! alil bit here and there. play Blackshot online.
Now my family is in a bz mode as to prepare the gifts for wedding tomorrow at TahChing Road! yeah! definitely they will be sleeping late!
Who's wedding is it yeah, my dear uncle is getting married tomorrow;aint my wedding of course, and we will be heading to his wedding at 10.30 am for the solemnization and then the sandingan. after which I have to head down to yck stadium for the yiolympics and another appt with a client.. yeah! definitely will be a bz sunday!
Here's a few links that I hope will be benificial for all of you!
As for now,im gonna help out in the chores and would head out soon to party! hehe.. bz bz still party, ishk! Ziad ziad...
With love!
It has been 4 Freaking days,guys!4 freakin days!
Yes! It has been 4 days! for 4 days I have been unblogging myself as I was tight with school,work and some commitments! Only God knows how busy and tired I was..hahs, nonetheless, I did have my relax time with my bros and frens.
So nw its TGIF! and yeah! im gonna hit the streets soon i guess.. Today was quite a bit. Went to school late as usual. then had my lunch with my A4 class and proceeded to mosque. came back at 2pm and went to the elp till i was aslp for 20 mins waiting for my lecture class at 3pm.
Turn Your Computer Into a Gushing Money Machine...!
Yeah. Now u know how exhausted i was. yeah. had 5 hours of sleep the night before and yeah. nw Im blogging and youtubing Mikail Jackson's videos. Hahs, miss that bro of mine.. Rest and peace bro. Enough Love.
so I hope that days come, I will be bloggin daily as i would love to. and avoid all those hectic work. and yeah, nonetheless, success is nothing without the perseverance and determination am I right to say that?
So peace and love to all!
So nw its TGIF! and yeah! im gonna hit the streets soon i guess.. Today was quite a bit. Went to school late as usual. then had my lunch with my A4 class and proceeded to mosque. came back at 2pm and went to the elp till i was aslp for 20 mins waiting for my lecture class at 3pm.
Turn Your Computer Into a Gushing Money Machine...!
Yeah. Now u know how exhausted i was. yeah. had 5 hours of sleep the night before and yeah. nw Im blogging and youtubing Mikail Jackson's videos. Hahs, miss that bro of mine.. Rest and peace bro. Enough Love.
so I hope that days come, I will be bloggin daily as i would love to. and avoid all those hectic work. and yeah, nonetheless, success is nothing without the perseverance and determination am I right to say that?
So peace and love to all!
Had a great dinner on Sunday
Yeah! Great dinner we had at Lau Pa Sat satay place. Yeah! with Fai and gf,Fendi and gf, Elf and Haidar too! Zaid ,Cholo and Aniq couldnt turn up. as usual. Zaid is bz studying at hm for today's test. No worries,hope for the best for Bro Zaid. Cool! so we have to eat the dinner for them then. Hahs! Just jokin!
It's been a long time since we met Faizal and the rest too! Well, all those who arrived had our own transport and it was truly fascintating on how fast time has brought us in. From no where, to somewhere. Alhamdulillah!(Gracious God!) God has brought us health, wealth and favour to those who have faith and believe in Him!
Faizal is going into NUS soon! great news to us, we will wish him all the luck and skills! Fendi is doing great in his career and hope he will get the benefits and promotion soon! Elfi is gonna ORD and enter a career life soon! Haidar is doing fine is his PCG and all the best endeavours for him!
As for me! Hahas, I have school to complete and the meanwhile focusing on sch,cca n career too! Hard on myself aye? Nah, learn to take life not too seriously or you'll end up losing that grip and the best things in life! I have till apr2010 to study and then we'll see how it goes and I hope to get into university one day! All the best of skills and luck Ziad! Work hard and play hard! And yah! Pray hard too! Eliminate procrastination and indulge urself with perseverance, effort and faith!
By the way! I have a new site! in Twitter of course! Cheese!
Regards and Best wishes!
SM Ziad
It's been a long time since we met Faizal and the rest too! Well, all those who arrived had our own transport and it was truly fascintating on how fast time has brought us in. From no where, to somewhere. Alhamdulillah!(Gracious God!) God has brought us health, wealth and favour to those who have faith and believe in Him!
Faizal is going into NUS soon! great news to us, we will wish him all the luck and skills! Fendi is doing great in his career and hope he will get the benefits and promotion soon! Elfi is gonna ORD and enter a career life soon! Haidar is doing fine is his PCG and all the best endeavours for him!
As for me! Hahas, I have school to complete and the meanwhile focusing on sch,cca n career too! Hard on myself aye? Nah, learn to take life not too seriously or you'll end up losing that grip and the best things in life! I have till apr2010 to study and then we'll see how it goes and I hope to get into university one day! All the best of skills and luck Ziad! Work hard and play hard! And yah! Pray hard too! Eliminate procrastination and indulge urself with perseverance, effort and faith!
By the way! I have a new site! in Twitter of course! Cheese!
Regards and Best wishes!
SM Ziad
Yesterday Nite was COol!
Came to office and make some appointments with my clients. I went to office where all was at home, great Ziad!
THen headed down to the Cineleisure. And yeah, i was the first to arrive! Thank god i arrived early, still waiting for Elf, the 3 angels and Fen. Yup, i waited at the entrance and soon came Elf. then i headed down to BK to eat the new promo.. Double what what whopper .. $5.95 i guess. Yeah.
Soon arrived the 3 angels and then came along Mr F.
Yeah, they waited for me to finish eating ang then we decided to place ourselves at KALLAng BOWling! It's been a long time since i bowled with the bros plus syafiq as well. yeah! together with his dad! was a great memory.
So at the alley, it was the guys v the gals.. hahas. yeah. was much of a funbowl and yeah. was truly humorous and giggly, watchin the girls bowl. hahas! We disturbed them a couple of times and yeah! it was truly cool! We ended around late too. We had joy and fun yday!
Right after that, some of us were hungry and wanted to grab a bite. so we headed down to spize Rv to appetize ourselves, i ate nasi goreng thai while the others grab some kbabs, roti johns, burgers and pratas!
Emma was excited to play L4D and she made us laugh like hell about it. It was her way of talking and explaining about the game that was really2 funny! hahas!
Then we headed down to concorde for the gaming and Emma had to leave early for her family. Me and the rest continued to play L4D and CS. looks like hana and yuz have known the game well. cool! we can lan again sometimes. yeah!
After 2 hours of clicking and pressing. It was time to go home, Fen had to leave early for work..
So left with me, elf, hana n yuz.
We accompanied hana at the bus stop and yeah she kept halau(chase away) us to go home first and she can mange it on her own. well, nonetheless, it was effortless. we stayed till her bus no. 7 came first and rest assured she board it safely.
COol. then me, elf and yuz proceeded home. I escorted Yuz hm with elf. and headed hm then.
Was a great day and night for the fun,peace and laughter. And today is Saturday night, was kinda bored. I woke up ard 4 and yeah, was tired and sleepy though, nonetheless. now im just gonna have dinner at 9.45pm. and we'll just wait what's in store for me later yeah!
Peace up!
THen headed down to the Cineleisure. And yeah, i was the first to arrive! Thank god i arrived early, still waiting for Elf, the 3 angels and Fen. Yup, i waited at the entrance and soon came Elf. then i headed down to BK to eat the new promo.. Double what what whopper .. $5.95 i guess. Yeah.
Soon arrived the 3 angels and then came along Mr F.
Yeah, they waited for me to finish eating ang then we decided to place ourselves at KALLAng BOWling! It's been a long time since i bowled with the bros plus syafiq as well. yeah! together with his dad! was a great memory.
So at the alley, it was the guys v the gals.. hahas. yeah. was much of a funbowl and yeah. was truly humorous and giggly, watchin the girls bowl. hahas! We disturbed them a couple of times and yeah! it was truly cool! We ended around late too. We had joy and fun yday!
Right after that, some of us were hungry and wanted to grab a bite. so we headed down to spize Rv to appetize ourselves, i ate nasi goreng thai while the others grab some kbabs, roti johns, burgers and pratas!
Emma was excited to play L4D and she made us laugh like hell about it. It was her way of talking and explaining about the game that was really2 funny! hahas!
Then we headed down to concorde for the gaming and Emma had to leave early for her family. Me and the rest continued to play L4D and CS. looks like hana and yuz have known the game well. cool! we can lan again sometimes. yeah!
After 2 hours of clicking and pressing. It was time to go home, Fen had to leave early for work..
So left with me, elf, hana n yuz.
We accompanied hana at the bus stop and yeah she kept halau(chase away) us to go home first and she can mange it on her own. well, nonetheless, it was effortless. we stayed till her bus no. 7 came first and rest assured she board it safely.
COol. then me, elf and yuz proceeded home. I escorted Yuz hm with elf. and headed hm then.
Was a great day and night for the fun,peace and laughter. And today is Saturday night, was kinda bored. I woke up ard 4 and yeah, was tired and sleepy though, nonetheless. now im just gonna have dinner at 9.45pm. and we'll just wait what's in store for me later yeah!
Peace up!
Yeah! its been two days since i posted on wednesday afternn before i set off for Shoot-O!
Well, the Shoot-O was cool,A4 managed to win a match, lose 2 matches, and a draw. Well, we did our very best, not to worry A4, we will be champions one day! Most importantly we stick togethere through ups and downs! We will definitely be where we want to be! Success!
After the Shoot-O, well my bros wanted to meet up for a short shoot too! hahas! funny, it was Lan gaming again. hahas. this time, me zaid , elf n fen. we play L4D and cs of course! great!
Came back around 4am and we didnt even move an inch in Bt Timah Mac. We were deciding where to go next as Aniq arrived and Elf left halfway through the L4D match. hahas!
Thursday(yesterday) was kinda cool too! well, we played L4D again. Hahas,this time,me, elf n fen was on the go to finish the campaign and shockingly Blood Harvest is ours! Hahas!
Then aft dat we went out riding and driving.. Hahas! Jeng Jeng Jeng!
Well, its Friday! TGIF, Ziad! Well, im all set to go office now, its 8pm now. Hahas, just nw woke up and went to the mosque and went to bike shop to change my 4T. well, with aniq n elfi of course,hahas.. then we head down to sunshine place for lunch.. yeah! well, alls well ends well. nonetheless.
Im heading to office and yeah. maybe meet the bros later for chill. maybe.
Well, the Shoot-O was cool,A4 managed to win a match, lose 2 matches, and a draw. Well, we did our very best, not to worry A4, we will be champions one day! Most importantly we stick togethere through ups and downs! We will definitely be where we want to be! Success!
After the Shoot-O, well my bros wanted to meet up for a short shoot too! hahas! funny, it was Lan gaming again. hahas. this time, me zaid , elf n fen. we play L4D and cs of course! great!
Came back around 4am and we didnt even move an inch in Bt Timah Mac. We were deciding where to go next as Aniq arrived and Elf left halfway through the L4D match. hahas!
Thursday(yesterday) was kinda cool too! well, we played L4D again. Hahas,this time,me, elf n fen was on the go to finish the campaign and shockingly Blood Harvest is ours! Hahas!
Then aft dat we went out riding and driving.. Hahas! Jeng Jeng Jeng!
Well, its Friday! TGIF, Ziad! Well, im all set to go office now, its 8pm now. Hahas, just nw woke up and went to the mosque and went to bike shop to change my 4T. well, with aniq n elfi of course,hahas.. then we head down to sunshine place for lunch.. yeah! well, alls well ends well. nonetheless.
Im heading to office and yeah. maybe meet the bros later for chill. maybe.
Hi, it seems funny that my post dashboard is kinda funny though, its like all messed up and i dunno whether what i typed over here is the blog post. Well, nvm, now its wednesday afternoon.
Im about to kick some balls later at sch in the Shoot-o event.
Monday nite was fun too, got to play lan again with fen, elf n zaid. yeah! Left 4 dead! yup2!
Well! i noe.. too much games is addictive. will keep it to a minimum ya.
Tuesday was kinda fun of course.soccer at sch for todays Shoot-o! and of course i have to be heading to sch nw. its 2.10pm nw. Have to be there at 2.45pm.
ALLs well ends well.
http://www.ziadspreebizwiz.blogspot.com/ http://ziadspreefree.blogspot.com/
http://profiles.friendster.com/ziad8 http://nyp-nyaa-students-club.blogspot.com/
Im about to kick some balls later at sch in the Shoot-o event.
Monday nite was fun too, got to play lan again with fen, elf n zaid. yeah! Left 4 dead! yup2!
Well! i noe.. too much games is addictive. will keep it to a minimum ya.
Tuesday was kinda fun of course.soccer at sch for todays Shoot-o! and of course i have to be heading to sch nw. its 2.10pm nw. Have to be there at 2.45pm.
ALLs well ends well.
http://www.ziadspreebizwiz.blogspot.com/ http://ziadspreefree.blogspot.com/
http://profiles.friendster.com/ziad8 http://nyp-nyaa-students-club.blogspot.com/
Q- Monday! You know what that means?
What does that mean Ziad?
Well, my classmates know about it already, u can ask them! HAHAs, well, that's uncool.
Q= Quarantine!
Damn! I didnt even noe that my whole class was quarantined till freaking FRIDAY as we have one case of H1N1. I went to TELCOM Lecture and not knowing that the class was quarantined. Sheesh!!
May that person heal fast and get well soon ya!
So I didn't get the chance to blog yesterday and saturday nite! Was kinda sailing my ship to many points , yeah. happy sailing!
YEah! Saturday nite was fun and condensed!
I was having a kenduri for my late grandfather and all who have gone before us. We love n miss you loads! Had the kenduri at my cuzzie's place. My relatives came and we conversate with each other, love the kids they brought. the played with my cuzzie's cats. Meoww!!
Then aft the event, went home and change to my kit. and went to Bencoolen to chill out with the A4 folks! Haha, the RK Prata House! No Pork! I say No Pork! (giggles!)
Joined the A4 as it was CHao SHeng's Bday! So we went out had some great fun with them, play arcade. it's been a long time since i played arcade, versus WK in soccer of course! Hahas! Wont two and lost a game. yeah! still gt my mojo gg u noe!
Then the rest had to head home and I went to StRBx PS to meet elfi,hana and yuz. They were playing cards there when I arrived. THey gave me slices of pizza to eat too. Yum2! Free supper! great! Well, what do u noe. hahas, then we decided to lan with together and one lahabau who always late one. Introducing Mr. F. hahas.. not always la i guess! we played counter striko! hahas
v1.6 still. i noe its lame. hahas, bt i top d frag ok. hahas, cant lan too much though , scared that would be addictive.
After the CS, we played L4D. and yeah, me , elf and mr F only play. What the other two girls do then?
Well, they just watch of course. They are new to the game. Looks easy kinda, bt yeah, would love to let them try bt ya... cannot la.. later one person never play then the other one #$#$&*@*, hahas!
ok so after 3 hours of intense gaming, we head to bencoolen again..... for bfast.Aiya, singapore ver packed bt most of the time we dunno wer to go.. hahas, i had prata egg and teh gajah there. somebody ask "what's teh gajah(elephant tea)?" After i answered her, she didnt want to buy. she sticked to the old teh tarik. tarik panjang2. Gosh! I was like wth! Nevermind. in the end me n fen ate prata and the rest just drank. Hahas, worried abt fen coz he wkin and always didnt get enough of sleep though. somemore driving.. hahas, and always energetic at nite one..hahas..
Ok. we came back hm ard 6am sunday morning.. Straight to bed with my sleepy2 eyes
Sunday was quite dreadful but I manage to open my eyes through out.. was yawning here and there though. hahas! watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. was great but a few gloom scenes and more to love kinda burstin. bt overall i give a 3 out of 5 moon. hahas..
Ok2, im gg 2 take a nap for awile. Rest assured I will be back with great news and exciting stories!If any..yup2, gonna hit the couch!
N one more thing, it took me an hour plus to recall back the past two days. hehe, well, it doesnt matter anyways.
Sailing smoothly
What does that mean Ziad?
Well, my classmates know about it already, u can ask them! HAHAs, well, that's uncool.
Q= Quarantine!
Damn! I didnt even noe that my whole class was quarantined till freaking FRIDAY as we have one case of H1N1. I went to TELCOM Lecture and not knowing that the class was quarantined. Sheesh!!
May that person heal fast and get well soon ya!
So I didn't get the chance to blog yesterday and saturday nite! Was kinda sailing my ship to many points , yeah. happy sailing!
YEah! Saturday nite was fun and condensed!
I was having a kenduri for my late grandfather and all who have gone before us. We love n miss you loads! Had the kenduri at my cuzzie's place. My relatives came and we conversate with each other, love the kids they brought. the played with my cuzzie's cats. Meoww!!
Then aft the event, went home and change to my kit. and went to Bencoolen to chill out with the A4 folks! Haha, the RK Prata House! No Pork! I say No Pork! (giggles!)
Joined the A4 as it was CHao SHeng's Bday! So we went out had some great fun with them, play arcade. it's been a long time since i played arcade, versus WK in soccer of course! Hahas! Wont two and lost a game. yeah! still gt my mojo gg u noe!
Then the rest had to head home and I went to StRBx PS to meet elfi,hana and yuz. They were playing cards there when I arrived. THey gave me slices of pizza to eat too. Yum2! Free supper! great! Well, what do u noe. hahas, then we decided to lan with together and one lahabau who always late one. Introducing Mr. F. hahas.. not always la i guess! we played counter striko! hahas
v1.6 still. i noe its lame. hahas, bt i top d frag ok. hahas, cant lan too much though , scared that would be addictive.
After the CS, we played L4D. and yeah, me , elf and mr F only play. What the other two girls do then?
Well, they just watch of course. They are new to the game. Looks easy kinda, bt yeah, would love to let them try bt ya... cannot la.. later one person never play then the other one #$#$&*@*, hahas!
ok so after 3 hours of intense gaming, we head to bencoolen again..... for bfast.Aiya, singapore ver packed bt most of the time we dunno wer to go.. hahas, i had prata egg and teh gajah there. somebody ask "what's teh gajah(elephant tea)?" After i answered her, she didnt want to buy. she sticked to the old teh tarik. tarik panjang2. Gosh! I was like wth! Nevermind. in the end me n fen ate prata and the rest just drank. Hahas, worried abt fen coz he wkin and always didnt get enough of sleep though. somemore driving.. hahas, and always energetic at nite one..hahas..
Ok. we came back hm ard 6am sunday morning.. Straight to bed with my sleepy2 eyes
Sunday was quite dreadful but I manage to open my eyes through out.. was yawning here and there though. hahas! watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. was great but a few gloom scenes and more to love kinda burstin. bt overall i give a 3 out of 5 moon. hahas..
Ok2, im gg 2 take a nap for awile. Rest assured I will be back with great news and exciting stories!If any..yup2, gonna hit the couch!
N one more thing, it took me an hour plus to recall back the past two days. hehe, well, it doesnt matter anyways.
Sailing smoothly
Fried Day Freaks
Wrapping up the day, well, was a huge fun u noe> Karaoke, Lan, and sleepy Bfast at SB!
Cool! Hows the sound of that! STick together team! yeah! the four musketeers! All the way raging storm with singing and clicking, hahas. well, i can say that my bro,Zaid has stepped up one step forward in getting his 3C licence! Wooohooo! Congrats bro!
We travelled places in his Fiat and yeah, can say he's driving smoothly. No worries, I bet he gonna hit the first lane anytime soon!
Yup! Really enjoyed it yesterday and couldnt get enough the Lan gaming though, the comp is sick, damn.. We giggled and laughed throughout the L4D and CS. wahahaha! Esp Elfi! He was shouting when being attacked by the monsters as if they were gonna come out of the screen!
Nonetheless! Looking forward to more cybershooting and cyberwar soon!
Another thing! I miss the bros last time where we used to spend the single dime in our pockets just to get the fun out! Yeah! Hope we gonna reunite again soon!
Enough love!
Cool! Hows the sound of that! STick together team! yeah! the four musketeers! All the way raging storm with singing and clicking, hahas. well, i can say that my bro,Zaid has stepped up one step forward in getting his 3C licence! Wooohooo! Congrats bro!
We travelled places in his Fiat and yeah, can say he's driving smoothly. No worries, I bet he gonna hit the first lane anytime soon!
Yup! Really enjoyed it yesterday and couldnt get enough the Lan gaming though, the comp is sick, damn.. We giggled and laughed throughout the L4D and CS. wahahaha! Esp Elfi! He was shouting when being attacked by the monsters as if they were gonna come out of the screen!
Nonetheless! Looking forward to more cybershooting and cyberwar soon!
Another thing! I miss the bros last time where we used to spend the single dime in our pockets just to get the fun out! Yeah! Hope we gonna reunite again soon!
Enough love!
Its Friday morning,7.5 hrs before waking up to sch.
Yes, its Friday morning, and I have yet to sleep, soon I guess. Right after this post.
Hmmm, recap back what happened yesterday, this "somebody" asked me if i got post about this "somebody" and I said nopes, not yet maybe. And eventually I offered to post on thursday which was I think too late till now I guess. Luckily that "somebody" is working night shift now I guess or else that "somebody" will bark at me in msn! hahas!
So, I like to start off by saying that "somebody" was having this kinda problem of wanting someone that is hooked up by another someone, you get what i mean. Really really like that person and kinda wanting that someone, you know.. well I think that "somebody" knows.yup2.
I said to that "somebody", You have to face the fact and truth that the someone is already attached and you're in a hard position to even be close to that someone, you get wat i mean.
Nevertheless, that " somebody" heed my advice as a fren and eventually found out that my advice was true and cool! yeah! =)
Well, all that aside, it has been a great journey with befriending that "somebody" for almost quite some time. Cherish and treasure our friendship and hope we be friends for long.
To end this post for Thursday. I repeat Thursday ya.
Not much of a chore today,went school and then to my office and back home.
Spend quality time with my family and yeah..
A shoutout to my whole family! I MISS YA AND I LOVE YA!
All the best to success!
Rocky Balboa The Movie
Watched the movie "Rocky Balboa" coz I love that movie so much, watched it online. Love boxing and of course the movie cast itself, I can watch it over and over again.
Hahas, yesh, left jab, right hooks, uppercuts,chipshots, u name it.
The movie motivates me so much with their lessons to be learnt and those words quoted by Rocky.
"Its not how hard you hit, but its how hard you get hit and keep moving forward."
Yes! That's important guys! This quote teaches me alot for a person to accept life with great challenges and its how a person face the challenge and keep rising strong no matter how hard he's been hit.
Watch "Rocky Balboa" and you will definitely love it guys!
Uppercuts, Crosses and Right Jabs!
Yeah,Its Tuesday Over,Time Check, Time Check!
Okies, a very warm welcome to all of you,I hope you are having a great weekday ahead as I am. Always remember, Life is Wonderful. There are many options in life that you can account yourself for. You still have your family, loved ones, peers, colleagues, employers, teachers, trainers, and whoever friend that you might run into. Definitely, all of us were initially strangers, but who knows, best friends we will be throughout.
Yes,many were asking why i dressed formal to school just now, Yeah, I was having commskills presentation of course. N how was it?
Definitely awesome, only my class knows how much laughter and giggling there were as we were going through the interview presentation. Me? I excelled through of course,with the help of Ms Baker,my team members and of course my class mates ,yeah, was definitely a demanding one, bt at the same time astonishing and humorous.Her class ended quite late as usual, with i think another 3 groups have yet to be interviewed.
After that i proceeded to lunch with A4! hahas, you see. i miss them ydae, and today gt to lunch with them at south canteen! Shared all the lame jokes with YX,WF,CS,MS,YS,MO. hahas, u noe who you are. they accompanied me eat as usual as my comm skills always end up late. yup2..
and as today, i collected my registered mail at the post after gg bk frm sch, and it was great news that i was credited by MTFA, Alhamdulillah( Gracious God)! Shared the news with my mum and she said the same thing too! Hahas.
At least for now,im quite eased and just awaiting for my CT results to be out.. Yeah...Jeng Jeng Jeng!
Oh no! can feel the pressure again. Sianz... ok, gonna make a cup of coffee to ease it out..
Stay Focus!
http://www.cash24-7.net/ http://www.emailcashpro.com/?r=ziad55 http://www.cash24-7.net/blog/ http://ziadspreebizwiz.blogspot.com/
Yes,many were asking why i dressed formal to school just now, Yeah, I was having commskills presentation of course. N how was it?
Definitely awesome, only my class knows how much laughter and giggling there were as we were going through the interview presentation. Me? I excelled through of course,with the help of Ms Baker,my team members and of course my class mates ,yeah, was definitely a demanding one, bt at the same time astonishing and humorous.Her class ended quite late as usual, with i think another 3 groups have yet to be interviewed.
After that i proceeded to lunch with A4! hahas, you see. i miss them ydae, and today gt to lunch with them at south canteen! Shared all the lame jokes with YX,WF,CS,MS,YS,MO. hahas, u noe who you are. they accompanied me eat as usual as my comm skills always end up late. yup2..
and as today, i collected my registered mail at the post after gg bk frm sch, and it was great news that i was credited by MTFA, Alhamdulillah( Gracious God)! Shared the news with my mum and she said the same thing too! Hahas.
At least for now,im quite eased and just awaiting for my CT results to be out.. Yeah...Jeng Jeng Jeng!
Oh no! can feel the pressure again. Sianz... ok, gonna make a cup of coffee to ease it out..
Stay Focus!
http://www.cash24-7.net/ http://www.emailcashpro.com/?r=ziad55 http://www.cash24-7.net/blog/ http://ziadspreebizwiz.blogspot.com/
YEps! Monday again! Hahas, Tuesday Morn Actually..
Yesh, its tuesday morning, i repeat tuesday morning, time flies damn fast nw.. i was just enjoying last sat nite, n now its tuesday already, so fast so good..
Yup,saturday nite was fun! purely fun! coz i gotta ehem2, well, nonetheless, u noe wat i mean, i am the kinda that would prefer u all to ask me ya.hahas.
sunday was kinda cool, it was kinda like stay home sunday, nt my cup of tea though. slack at hm and just enjoying the goggle box. well, rite nw its tuesday morn and in 10 hrs time im up for presentation for comm skills. need dress formal yeah.
tuesday i managed to get things up and done,went here and there to straighten up the wires and stuffs, hahas, yup, n nw, i feel kinda miss my classmates too! yeah, they were the funny jokers in A4, everytime human stacking each other, the bubbly and cheerful A4..
Sigh, nw in final yr, separated into different specialisations and yeah, I MISS A4! Would anticipate the upcoming A4 Chalet that is gonna be held next yr. Definitely gonna be a memorable one. I still remember how they celebrated my birhtday this year! Total surprise!
Cheers to Successful A4!
Yesh, its tuesday morning, i repeat tuesday morning, time flies damn fast nw.. i was just enjoying last sat nite, n now its tuesday already, so fast so good..
Yup,saturday nite was fun! purely fun! coz i gotta ehem2, well, nonetheless, u noe wat i mean, i am the kinda that would prefer u all to ask me ya.hahas.
sunday was kinda cool, it was kinda like stay home sunday, nt my cup of tea though. slack at hm and just enjoying the goggle box. well, rite nw its tuesday morn and in 10 hrs time im up for presentation for comm skills. need dress formal yeah.
tuesday i managed to get things up and done,went here and there to straighten up the wires and stuffs, hahas, yup, n nw, i feel kinda miss my classmates too! yeah, they were the funny jokers in A4, everytime human stacking each other, the bubbly and cheerful A4..
Sigh, nw in final yr, separated into different specialisations and yeah, I MISS A4! Would anticipate the upcoming A4 Chalet that is gonna be held next yr. Definitely gonna be a memorable one. I still remember how they celebrated my birhtday this year! Total surprise!
Cheers to Successful A4!
Saturday Night where the fun is definitely happening!!
Saturday Night where the fun is definitely happening!!
Why I say this is because, well, you gotta earn that break! Coz last week I already furnish the time to study for my CT, and well now! I gotta hit the streets nw!
Hahas, yeah, kinda chill out to relieve the stress before the start of the week again.. And it will be another boring weekdays..LOL.
Okies, got no much time to waste hor, need to get ready for the night! Weeweet!
See Ya There! =)
Ziad www.cash24-7.net
http://ziadspreebizwiz.blogspot.com/ & http://www.emailcashpro.com/?r=ziad55
yahoooo! tests over yaw!!
Yeah! So, what's next Ziad? ur CT finish oredy rite?
Yeah it has! Well, gotta enjoy and live your life! A~a~a~...
Hahas, feeling the fun rite nw! at least a burden off my shoulder.. Now left with Comm skills project! at the same time taking a time off frm the books. my common test over, nw I have to focus on my work.
Yeah, i repeat! Work! hahas , bt who says work is no fun?
I enjoy my work most, get to interact with my clients, study the finance business, sharing the extra knowledge with them and more importantly bonding the gap between stranger and friend.
Yes! Its that close! That's why i urge all of you to join me in this journey of financial planning for yourself with AIA. Trust us for life! www.aia.com.sg
Yeah it has! Well, gotta enjoy and live your life! A~a~a~...
Hahas, feeling the fun rite nw! at least a burden off my shoulder.. Now left with Comm skills project! at the same time taking a time off frm the books. my common test over, nw I have to focus on my work.
Yeah, i repeat! Work! hahas , bt who says work is no fun?
I enjoy my work most, get to interact with my clients, study the finance business, sharing the extra knowledge with them and more importantly bonding the gap between stranger and friend.
Yes! Its that close! That's why i urge all of you to join me in this journey of financial planning for yourself with AIA. Trust us for life! www.aia.com.sg
With something Interesting to Share!
Hi Everyone,
Would like to share something valuable as to create wealth in all of our daily lives.It was what we called the online cash genration that we will be glad to have.
You're Gonna Get This ONE!
Click on it and there is the step by step system where you can improve your everyday life.
Possession of the Year!
We will see you again,
Ziad => http://www.cash24-7.net/
Would like to share something valuable as to create wealth in all of our daily lives.It was what we called the online cash genration that we will be glad to have.
You're Gonna Get This ONE!
Click on it and there is the step by step system where you can improve your everyday life.
Possession of the Year!
We will see you again,
Ziad => http://www.cash24-7.net/
Erloo...Wah, missed a day to post!
How's the week going?
mIne kinda boring. gotta finish up the tests..study study... slack den study study again.. still have Comm SKills project to finish.. Walao eh....! yesterday was wmcom paper which i went to office to settle some documentation. just now was telcom and then....jeng jeng jeng... the (RFE) in short of RF Engineering. Once the clock strikes 12.30! Yahoo! Im free as a bird.. Kuak! Kuak!
Ok2..enough ziad, starting to sound like a sparrow..
N now, im studying for the RFE test tmr..Aiyoyo.. Leceh(troublesome in malay) lah..
Aits, gotta hit the books again...LOL. one more burst,hold on ziad..Yeha!!
Imagine How You can Rake in $48k a Month! Well, this guy did it!!
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True enough,
Something to share with ALL of you.
Click Here! - Wake Up To Cash - Business Building Strategies.
Hi there, Ziad here again!
Well, dropping by to share some info. The ways to building the internet business that you will find useful. Hope that it will somehow and somewhat will help you to use the knowledge acquire to obtain that extra income to your online business!
Click Here! - Chinese EWhispers: Internet Marketing To China
Thanks alot to view here!~
You're Gonna Get This ONE! "How A 39 Yr Old Clickbank Newbie Stumbled Across A Secret Formula That Generated $48k In His First 4 Weeks..."
With regards,
Hi there, Ziad here again!
Well, dropping by to share some info. The ways to building the internet business that you will find useful. Hope that it will somehow and somewhat will help you to use the knowledge acquire to obtain that extra income to your online business!
Click Here! - Chinese EWhispers: Internet Marketing To China
Thanks alot to view here!~
You're Gonna Get This ONE! "How A 39 Yr Old Clickbank Newbie Stumbled Across A Secret Formula That Generated $48k In His First 4 Weeks..."
With regards,
After The Maths Exam
Did the EG2001 Maths just nw. damn!
I think i will flung this one. hmmm... wait2.. lemme think.
well, looks like it.. bt well i dun tink so on the other part.. hahas. wo pu che tao eh..
wat i noe is tmr is the WMCOM paper. haha... anothe diffy one.
Have to do a touch up on that one... study study like hell.. wait till fri then WALLA!!
im gonna be more hyper..
coz wen comes to tests n exams, who the heck wud be so so UP for it..right?
Hahas.. didnt get to post last nite, think can post at all nites in this week either. hahas. btw, if any of you still looking for job vacancies.
I would like to offer u any. do drop your comments ya.. will get to you asap.
Nevertheless, explore my site and comment it if u have any suggestions and what you think of it.. Peace!
Monday Blueesss..
Another wet day on Monday's.
A day for me to be prepared for tomorrow.
For tmr is the maths paper.
Well, perhaps my preparation is the key.
Hope everything is gonna go smoothly.
tues-fri,gosh,gonna be stuck at hm like a bookworm in a hole.
I have to study fer nw, will post again tonite,perhaps..
A day for me to be prepared for tomorrow.
For tmr is the maths paper.
Well, perhaps my preparation is the key.
Hope everything is gonna go smoothly.
tues-fri,gosh,gonna be stuck at hm like a bookworm in a hole.
I have to study fer nw, will post again tonite,perhaps..
The title speaks...
Slept late last night, was damn tired aft came back ard 4am plus after watching the all funny cartoon movie the ice age3, woke up ard 3.30 just now..
Kinda sleepy still, especially when its raining cats and dogs outside, and when u can rest yourself in this cooling and comfy Sunday...
Ice age was damn funny and exciting, was my first time watching ice age though but yeah, i gave it a 4 out of 5 stars! all should really watch that movie though its and 1.5 hrs movie. it was well organised and didnt even bore me for awile! yeah! Peaches!!
Hahas, still remember the jokes abt "na pien" which is still inside my mind.
Hilariously funny.
Well, nw im gonna wash up and eat my dinner.( i havent had lunch or any since 2am yesterday)
feels abit hungry la. hmmm, tuesday will be the starting of the test, gosh!
pressure seeps in again!!
till then!
Kinda sleepy still, especially when its raining cats and dogs outside, and when u can rest yourself in this cooling and comfy Sunday...
Ice age was damn funny and exciting, was my first time watching ice age though but yeah, i gave it a 4 out of 5 stars! all should really watch that movie though its and 1.5 hrs movie. it was well organised and didnt even bore me for awile! yeah! Peaches!!
Hahas, still remember the jokes abt "na pien" which is still inside my mind.
Hilariously funny.
Well, nw im gonna wash up and eat my dinner.( i havent had lunch or any since 2am yesterday)
feels abit hungry la. hmmm, tuesday will be the starting of the test, gosh!
pressure seeps in again!!
till then!
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