Its Thursday Afternoon,10th Sept 09. before which was 9th Sept 09, 9/9/09 or 999. nice num yesterday.. bt yup, didnt do much yesterday as to rest at hm, n clean up alil bit of here n there for Raya.
As today, im gg to the mosque later at 3pm to contribute zakat fitrah and then to motorcycle workshop with Elfi. Yup, Faeez asked me to buy gloves for him. Have to check it out at the auntie's workshop i guess.. Feels kinda sleepy, had alotta late nights recently, gosh... this has to end soon.. if nt it could get matters worse! Miss Dad already. I hope he will be fine over there. Insya'Allah..
by the way, Really enjoyed the tuesday night Break Fast Outing at Hajah Maimunah & Al-Sufi with Elfi,Yusazrina,Nurhana & Emma! Hahas, but the Hajah Maimunah Restaurant food wasnt that satisfying. Nevertheless, we had fun n joy together! Happy Fasting!
Peace & Love.