Pernahkah kau merasa?!! Hatiku Hampa!
Hahas.. the song "Hampa Hatiku" by Ungu ft. Iis Dahlia. hahas.. yeah. its gonna be Raya this sunday! and wat a day to celebrate it!
Hari Raya Puasa falls on 20/09/2009! catch the similarities? hahas..
yeah, its 20092009! hehe, nice number for the Muslims celebrating Hari Raya this year!
As for me, ever since the last post was on saturday, I have been busy shopping here and there for Raya stuffs and lots more goodies too! hee! And not forgetting, bought my astounding, steed & valiant Razer Copperhead! wooooots!! hehes, comes with The Razer MouseMat too! yeah, stickers, and landyards plus tees too! hee! gave one to Yusazrina, who stubbornly doesnt want it.. bt i insisted! hahas! ;P
Comex was my first IT show that I went other than the smaller IT shows that i went to.. Gosh, God must have tested me, the crowd was astonishing and it was like walking through thick and robust green! walked like a sloth coz everyone was walking with twirled eyes, looking at the products all over there, with great discounts, free here and there! gosh, Yusazrina must have feel honoured yo to bring me to Comex as I have never experience that kinda electrically and electronically adrenalined! hahas... Yusazrina bought the Fujitsu L1010 for her new lappy, correct me if im wrong, the latest model that they showcased! hahas, she insisted on some trials on the sample before buying it..hehes, typical Yusazrina, well... nonetheless, it was fun! and wen comes to payment for the Lappy, i was confused why they have to burden the customers to bring the heavy Lexmark printer to the showcase side for exchange for the MS Office Home edition.. gosh!.. was damn exhausted to walk as slow as a snail too u know.hahas.. And Yusazrina! Tell me soon abt ur new gadgy ya! hahas! She's gonna love it for sure.. :D
As for my Copperhead! i have not touch it yet as u noe the reason rite.. hahas! soon i will! very very soon! ahha!
Yesterday was a dreadful day too coz i have to drive around my family to shop to Orchard, then to Geylang for break fast and shopping too.. Then proceed on to Bedok Central as well. Before these, went on to my hm back to put the kuih-kuih at hm and proceed on to Jurong West to give Adeq Aila, Mama's thingys.. Only then proceeded on to Orchard's Ngee Ann City and Ion. Was a relaxed environment yesterday noon as peeps were working while we were shopping! hahas! till went on to Geylang and wanted to break fast at Arnold's, there was a crowd over there.. goodness gracious, had to wait till ard 8.10pm, only then we got to eat.. Some of those were inconsiderate as they were still sitting though they have finished eating as for sure, those waiting outside will surely gossip abt them.. Sigh.. Elfi called yesterday to ask me out to chill but i couldnt.hahas, was v v tired after the shopping spree! hee! :D
well, as fer nw, im gg to NYP at 1.45pm for my photoshoot, then to Alexandra to my motor workshop and my office. So excited for the photoshoot! hehe!
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Take care wherever you are and Ziad wish you a very peaceful and relaxed Tuesday!
Ziad S M