How to Look Stylish?

Dear Peeps,

It’s a sad fact of life that people judge us on the way we look. There’s about 2 seconds in the first look and the instant judgment.

•What if your prospective boss makes a judgment about you which is totally wrong? They may think you ’re frumpy, tarty, mousy, nerdy, motherly, too old, too young. Whatever. You know it's not true.

•We've all had the experience of being attracted to a man who doesn't seem to be attracted back. What does he really think about you? Are you giving him the wrong impression about you? If only he'd take the time to find out what a great person you are!

•You know what it's like when you're at a function and someone walks into room and they seem to "own" it. They have a presence, a style, a charisma. Heads follow them. People gravitate toward them. Wouldn't it be great if that person was you?

The thing to remember is that everyone has an impression about you. And it's their impression and their perception. If their first impression of you is wrong, you need the opportunity to do a lot of talking to turn things. Sometimes we don't even get that chance.

You can't change all the first impressions you given up until now, but you can from now on.

It is far better to make sure that people have the right perception about you . . .

first time, every time.

Find out how to create your stylish new look and take charge of your life.