Updates, updates, updates! This is a recent short conversation between Ziad and Syed. and I mean short.
Syed: So tell us.Currently what you've been up to?
Ziad: As for now, I'm just waiting for ten more days before the misery(IAP) ends. and yeah, like I told Javan, just to go with the flow and let this 10! more days begone!
Syed: So what will you do next?
Ziad: Then, I will fetch on to continue my jobs and pursue in it till...
Syed: Till...?
Ziad: Wait la!
Syed: Ok ok. Sorry to interrupt.
Ziad: Till I get a place in a local university.
Syed: So you must have a job now right?
Ziad: Certainly. I think most of the people who know me knows that I'm in the financial, marketing and education sectors. So my plan for these is to give my best and meet my objectives and goals for it. I will have a few more months before I embark on a new journey.
Syed: People are asking me, why is Ziad so busy on the internet recently?
Ziad: I see, that's a good question. As for currently, I'm doing advertising online, getting to know a couple of businessmen, squeezing on the affiliate products, increasing my online traffic, getting people to subscribe and getting people to join and be successful like me. And as importantly to teach them how to sell online the simple way. This needs a tasks breakdown, and currently I'm entrepreneuring them all together.
Syed: This hasn't include the financial and education sectors yet right?
Ziad: Yup, you're very right, Syed.
Syed: So which means in this fasting month to come, you will still be busy with your work?
Ziad: A yes,of course! The fasting month highlights a holy,peaceful and spiritual month. Therefore, only my determination will lead the path. Need to gather all in place.
Syed: That sounds good. I hope you will. And how has your family and friends been towards your commitments?
Ziad: Like I say, as for my family, they understood me and always be supportive. Finding means and ways to help me with my business and careers. And for my friends, they are supportive too. I tend to share knowledge and tips with them as well.
Syed: (A pat on the back) That is one great support you have. I wish you all the best to your success. It has been a pleasure being here. And I will definitely make time to catch things up with you again!
Ziad: Thanks, Syed.
(Excerpted from the recent conversation dated 4th Aug 2010)